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- David Timm -

Timm is a Universalist Embracing King's Covenant Eschatology. The following quotes appear in an article posted on King's web site.



I believe the restoration of all things is the conclusion of my fulfilled perspective.  David Timm, Grace Upon All, Oct. 2006

I believe that all things have been fulfilled and the veil of spiritual death that was over all nations has been swallowed up according to Isaiah 25:7-8. Sin has lost its power because the law was fulfilled in Christ and it passed away (1 Corinthians 15:56). 

(Comment: This quote shows the fundamental error of Max King: man is saved, not because of the addition of grace, but by the removal of the law.  According to King, the law of Moses was the "state and power of sin and death."  Removal of the law is universal and all men are therefore under grace.)


Universalism/Covenant Eschatology/Covenantal Heavens & Earth

The second Adam (Christ) reversed all the spiritual separation brought by the first Adam, not just part of it…in the new world people are reconciled to God without any say in the matter. God loves all those that He has made in His image equally.

 I believe that the last Adam (Christ) reversed all the spiritual separation (Col 1:20; Acts 3:21; Isa. 25:7) that was brought by the first Adam. This means that God the Father sees humanity through Christ's righteousness…Today we are people within a reconciled humanity.  David Timm, Grace Upon All, Oct. 2006

That is why Christ had to fulfill the law and his righteousness was imputed to mankind when the law passed away. David Timm, Grace Upon All, Oct. 2006


Spiritualized Soul & Death/Covenantal Creation/Covenant Eschatology

Related to the “end of the world” and “death” is the controversial issue of “losing the soul.” We find Jesus discussing them all in Matthew 16:24-27.  “Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life [soul, according to the old economy] will lose it; but whoever loses his life [soul, according to the old economy] for My sake will find it [according to the new].  This “world” is the same “world” that John said was “passing away.” It is the old economy. Here we see the soul is attached to the world that passed away. This requires the soul to be seen as a covenantal identity.  David Timm, Grace Upon All, Oct. 2006

“Whoever loves his life/soul loses it, and whoever hates his life/soul in this world [old economy] will keep it [New Economy Soul] for eternal life.  So what do these verses teach about eternal life? They suggest that the new identity (spirit, light, law of Christ, etc) would not perish/die in the wrath during 70AD. It is eternal and could not be destroyed. As for the unbelievers their sinful soul/body of sin (Rom 6:6) would die. This was not directed toward their physical lives or a statement on their postmortem fate.  David Timm, Grace Upon All, Oct. 2006

On the other hand, the unbelievers lost their soul and only had their spirit saved (1Cor 5:5). Their soul, which is their old covenant identity, died in its sins because “the soul that sins shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4). This is why Paul was able to say that “if you live according to the flesh you are about to die” (Romans 8:13) even though many unbelievers lived physically through the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD.  David Timm, Grace Upon All, Oct. 2006

(Comment: Here we see the "spiritualizing" method of King and other Universalists, which assigns forced and arbitrary meanings upon words in order to avoid the idea of eternal damnation and make all men partakers of grace.  Also, we see the idea that the "world" is merely something "covenantal".  Finally, the corporate body view of the resurrection can be seen in the idea that the "sinful soul/body of sin" would die in A.D. 70.)


Baptism for the Dead/Vicarious FirstFruit Atonement

“Physical baptism was practiced during the transition period as a sign to others of that which was spiritually taking place for the individual. They were covenantally dying to the old covenant of death and Moses (through baptism) and being resurrected into the new covenant of life/Christ…All the believers during the transition period (30-70AD) were a remnant elected out of Israel during the transition period to become the firstfruits on behalf the rest of Israel who made up the harvest.” David Timm, Grace Upon All, Oct. 2006

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