King – Presence Ministries – Planet Preterist

Web of Influence





- Tim Martin -


Tim Martin is co-author of Beyond Creation Science, a poorly reasoned book that attempts to wed Preterism with Old Earth Creationism and a local flood.  His book nonsensically argues that the heavens and earth of the Genesis creation were merely "local" and were metaphors for the creation of Old Covenant Israel; a position he takes in order to make the heavens and earth of II Pet. 3 covenantal and a reference to the fall of Jerusalem and end of the Mosaic law.


 Covenant Eschatology/Covenantal Creation/Adam

 “Why preterists would insist on a biological reading of ‘Eve the mother of all living’ in Genesis 3 baffles me. Eve is prophetic of the Church, just as Adam is prophetic of Christ. Genesis 3 is about covenant not biology.” Tim Martin, Planet Preterist post Wednesday, July 4, @ 07:39:31 PDT

(Covenant Eschatology interprets the "heavens and earth" of II Pet. 3 and Revelation 21, 22 and similar passages figuratively ("covenantally") as symbols for the old and new covenants.  Working backward from this mistaken proposition, Martin, who is also an Old Earth Creationist and denies the literal days of creation, reinterprets Genesis' creation and flood accounts locally and covenantally, as symbols for old covenant Israel, rather than the physical cosmos, or earth and sky.  (See below.)  Rejecting the Genesis creation account also leads him to expressly deny the universal, biological priority and parentage of Adam and Eve.)

“So long as preterists are committed to a covenantal rather than cosmological reading of ‘heavens and earth’ in biblical redemptive history the idea of a covenantal, rather than cosmological reading of the original creation of the ‘heavens and earth’ in Genesis 1:1 is a legitimate possibility. The only way to rule it out as impossible is to consistently read all 'heavens and earth' language cosmologically which would make preterism impossible."  Tim Martin, Beyond Creation Science, 2nd ed

(Here, Martin admits that his hermeneutical approach is driven, not by the message the author intended to communicate, but by unilaterally imposing a "covenantal" reading upon the text.   Martin's basic assumption is that Genesis must be read and interpreted in the same figurative manner we read and interpret the hyperbolic language of the prophets. The "heavens and earth" of Genesis are thus made into something Moses did not intend, and the message of the Holy Ghost hopelessly lost and corrupted.)

Though some preterists might be horrified at the suggestion, might we understand the creation of the "heavens and earth" in Genesis 1:1 as a direct reference to the covenant creation of Israel during the time of Moses? If that were the case, the creation account would better be understood primarily within the context of Israel’s history, rather than cosmologically. It may be speaking about the creation of the Garden of Eden which is typological of the Promised Land. But the implication is that a universal, cosmological reading of Genesis 1 is not warranted. Tim Martin, Beyond Creation Science, 2nd ed


 Covenant Eschatology/Corporate Body View/

Covenantal Creation/Universalism

“Do you believe that there were any people outside of the garden at creation? If all were in the garden in God's first (what you take to be physical) creation, wouldn't that have implications for God's redemption?”  Tim Martin, Planet Preterist Post, Thursday, February 21 @ 09:48:22 PST

(These quotes demonstrate a denial that Adam is the biological parent of all mankind.  Death passed to all men, not because of Adam’s universal biological parentage, but because he was the first "covenant man," whose transgression was purportedly imputed vicariously to all other men.  This view leads unavoidably to Universalism in that imputed (Adamic/Mosaic) transgression is removed with the passing of the Mosaic law.  This is why Martin finds it necessary to place other men outside of the garden (despite the scripture's silence on the subject); viz., that he may place men today out of Covenant Eschatology's covenantal new heavens and earth, and therefore beyond New Testament grace.)

“As you can see, it could be that it's never been about us doing anything (right or wrong); it's always been about God redeeming his creation; not just small parts of it.”  Tim Martin, Planet Preterist Post, Thursday, February 21 @ 09:52:05 PST 

(Interpretation: Denies universal, biological parentage of Adam; believes other men were created who existed outside of the garden.  Redeeming "all creation" means all in the asserted covenant creation, thus avoiding the universal salvation otherwise inherent in the Covenant Eschatology/covenant creation scheme.)

Christ is the firstborn from the dead, just as Adam was the first to be created. The corporate body ressurrection [sic] follows that because the original creation of Eve followed Adam. There is a time-gap between the creation of Adam and Eve, that plays a large role (prophetically) in NT eschatology. (Of course, this proves, along with many other things, the days in Gen 1 are symbolic.) Tim Martin, Planet Preterist Post, Sunday, February 18 @ 17:13:55 PST

(Spiritualizes Genesis creation; affirms corporate body view of resurrection.  Denies literal days of creation.  Like Covenant Eschatology's idea of a covenantal heavens and earth, The corporate body view is inherently Universalistic; in holding that justification depends upon removal of the Mosaic law, rather than the addition of grace, the benefits of the cross are unavoidably extended to all men, regardless of obedience to the gospel of Christ.)


Covenantal Heavens & Earth

"Just as the formation of Israel and giving of the Law was the metaphorical creation of “heaven and earth,” so the destruction of the Judaic society, the Law, the priesthood, and temple would be the passing away of Israel’s “heaven and earth.” Tim Martin, Beyond Creation Science (unpublished manuscript version)

"But did Peter change subject midstream? No, he is making a symbolic reference to the Law of Moses and old covenant order defined by Israel." Tim Martin, Beyond Creation Science (unpublished manuscript version)

"Christians neither observe the dietary regulations of the Law, nor do they observe the Jewish calendar commanded in the Law, which is far more than a tittle. They are gone. These elements of the Mosaic Law have passed away. This reality provides powerful evidence that the biblical heavens and earth have passed away!"  Tim Martin, Beyond Creation Science (unpublished manuscript version)

These quotes reflect apologetic attempts to explain the "heavens and earth" of passage like II Pet. 3 "covenantally" in terms of the passing of the old law.  However, those taking this view quickly find themselves involved in Universalism by the presence of the wicked in the new heavens and earth (Rev. 22:15).  Although a natural mistake in view of the heavy emphasis on the fall of Jerusalem in New Testament eschatology, this approach shuts its eyes to the many verses that show the eschaton was world-wide, and by no means confined to Judea.  (Ps. 2:8, 9; 110:5, 6; Dan. 2:44, 45; 7:27; Haggai 2:6, 7; Acts 7:31) The better view is that the heavens and earth and elements of these prophetic passages should be understood socially and politically, as describing the thrones and dominions of nations persecuting the church, which Christ put beneath his feet in the Roman civil wars and world events merely culminating in the destruction of Jerusalem, and not defined by it. This is the consistent usage of the Old Testament prophets, not the covenantal reading of Covenant

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