King – Presence Ministries – Planet Preterist
Web of Influence
Ward Fenley
Covenantal Creation/Local Flood
"So then, having moved on to a consistent view of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, let’s safely assume that Genesis is not a literally historical, chronological account of the beginning of the physical creation and its inhabitants. For, if that were the case, then the rest of the Bible would be about the history of the physical creation and its inhabitants. After all, it is called Genesis! The Beginning. If it is called the Beginning, then wouldn’t it make sense that the rest of the Bible would be the outworking of what was begun? But as the literalists would have it, the Bible has a beginning and an end but no middle! That is, the futurists have Genesis 1-11 as describing the beginning of the physical creation and Revelation 21-22 as describing the end of the physical creation, while maintaining the rest of the Bible is about some obscure Middle-Eastern people. Preterists holding to a literal, global view of Genesis are just as unsound, and perhaps more so, due to their afore-mentioned inconsistency." Ward Fenley, Genesis: The Beginning of Time.....Or God's People?,
"So, again, let’s rightly assume that Genesis is primarily about the beginning of the Israelites. That is, Genesis is the beginning of the story of how God entered into covenant with His people. But in order to approach this correctly, we must not literarily isolate Genesis 1-10 from the rest of Scripture. That is, we must use the analogy of Scripture as a theological framework for interpreting Genesis. The Westminster Confession of Faith describes this analogy of scripture as follows: “The infallible rule of interpretation of Scripture is the Scripture itself; and therefore, when there is a question about the true and full sense of any scripture (which is not manifold, but one), it must be searched and known by other places that speak more clearly.” (WCF I.xi)" Ward Fenley, Genesis: The Beginning of Time.....Or God's People?,
(These quotes demonstrate the idea that because language of prophecy is figurative the language of Genesis' historical narratives is ipso facto figurative. The basic assumption that the "heavens and earth" of Revelation are covenantal comes from apologetic attempts to explain passages like II Peter 3 covenantally in the fall of Jerusalem. However, established usage shows that the "heavens and earth" were essentially social and political, not covenantal, and were used by the prophets to describe wrath upon men and nations, irrespective of the Old Covenant. Hence, the basic assumption underlying the hermeneutic is unsound. Its extension to the Genesis creation account is absurd and certainly was not intended that way by Moses. Exodus 20:11 is conclusive of the question.)
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